With the Bauhaus movement, the foundations of modern design were laid and decoration was considered to be wrong and architecture was discussed. However, even if this basis is considered correct, creation is not just about geometry or decoration. At this point, by observing nature and expanding our observations, we will have reached our ultimate goal.

Representing something in two or three dimensions is not a goal, but by analyzing why a form takes shape and the factors involved in its formation, we can move on to the next stage. In this regard, our main element, basic geometric shapes, will be considered as tools in achieving this; while working with traditional methods, we will take advantage of technological opportunities to the fullest extent.

In the direction of the formation of a design, all accumulated knowledge from the past will be evaluated and the analysis of the most authentic creation will be done. Solutions will be offered to today's world based on the information obtained. Therefore, let us be aware of our work and help create the world of tomorrow.

10 February 2020

Metaformoz - Atahan Göktürk Güner Leaf

I am thinking about design. I compare design to a leaf. A fallen leaf will return in the cycle of life. It will become fertilizer. This fertilizer will enable new leaves to grow on the tree. We, as designers, are like fallen leaves.

We are the ones who interrupt the cycle of a leaf, giving it new meanings, functions, ideas, and thoughts. As an example, the first designers were Homo Sapiens, but many other living beings also fit this description. Changing the shape of an object, reusing it, giving it new meanings, adding ideas, and most importantly, actions taken to meet a need are what we do. Humans began by chipping a stone to make a tool, in an effort to dominate other living things. Or they began using a hollow as a shelter, these are similar. There is a need and there is what exists. With these, they meet the need and give new meanings to what exists.

Many things have changed since then, new meanings have given birth to new meanings. And these meanings have given birth to new meanings. New meanings give birth to different meanings. Different meanings give birth to new meanings in life. New ideas, different brains. These brains have given birth to new meanings. A new world has been created with each new generation. It has been built on top of the deceased. A new world has been created with each new birth. Perhaps, this change began with using that first fallen leaf for a different purpose, not knowing how it happened. Copying what exists. Imitating. The mistake of imitation. New meanings. Wrong meanings. Different meanings. Humanity has misunderstood imitation. Each object, each living being, each color, each shape, each form, each volume has a reason. We need to ask why and how.

23 December 2021

I am happy to announce the launch of Piyon Magazine, where we will bring together all design disciplines. I wish for health, happiness, and peace for the new year.

-Atahan Göktürk Güner

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This article was written by Atahan Göktürk Güner and published in Piyon Magazine Issue 01 in . You can continue reading the issue by scrolling down. You can read our other issues from the top menu, click here to return to the homepage, or fill out the form in the bottom section to subscribe to our magazine.


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